The Ibis Cycles Enduro Race Team - the reigning World Champion team in the Enduro World Series - has been giving feedback and recommendations for the last couple of years on what they want to see in a next-generation enduro bike. The Ibis engineers, mechanics and designers worked with with the team to realise these goals, and have created the 4th generation of the Mojo HD - dubbed the HD4.
The first bikes landed in New Zealand just as the Ibis Team were crowned the Enduro World Series 2017 winning team.
Here's what B-Rad had to say about the first HD4 to land in New Zealand...
“So I’ve only had 4 rides on this beast so far... HOLY SHITBALLS BATMAN!!! What a bike! I loved my HD3 such a solid all-rounder.... The HD4 has taken smidgen of the nimble and a touch of the pop from the HD3 and added it to a big old pot of SMASH! So stable, so plush, so....FAST! And I’m sure I’m getting round Nelson’s crazy tight switchbacks easier... On a longer bike!?!?! Go figure. Any trepidation I had of switching from the HD3 to the HD4 flew out the door on the 3rd ride (had the setup dialed) when I smashed a PB, at night. YEOW!”
And here's what the Ibis Race Team had to say...
“The new bike is inspiring to ride. I felt like I knew what it was going to do as soon as I hopped on it for the first run. When the trail points down hill and things get steeper, the bike is easy to move around, giving me that extra bit of confidence. After testing the bike for months, I am so happy we finally get to race it because it loves to go fast!”
Read about the HD4 at
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