What makes the Dodzy Memorial Enduro such an epic event, more than a race? Find out direct with words and photos from Juliana riders and marshals who were getting rowdy at the Wairoa Gorge for the 5th DME in February 2017.
“Going into it’s 5th year of the Dodzy Memorial (can you believe it?), it felt better than ever to me. Usually I end up feeling a bit frazzled and frantic out there, getting caught up in the whole race thing, but somehow this year I felt calm and content. Maybe because this event isn’t about the results or the placing or the race at all, but rather about having a yarn with folks that you haven’t seen since the last Dodzy gathering. This weekend is about taking a few deep breaths, letting it all soak in, looking around to see the beauty that surrounds us and to remember what this was all about. Remembering Dodzy and all the other good people that we’ve lost over these past five years. It’s about riding our bikes, fast, slow, whatever, it’s just about riding bikes and the sense of freedom that we all get from indulging in such a simple, child-full act. It’s my happy tool, and I think many others’ too, and this event is always a great reminder to be thankful and embrace life.
Thank you to everyone who keeps this tradition alive.”
Anja McDonald, Harriet Harper and Anka Martin at the finish of Stage 1. Congratulations to Harriet Harper, the fastest woman on the mountain and the winner on the day.
Anja McDonald
Meagan Robertson
“ “For years I’ve been hearing about the pure awesomeness that is the Dodzy Memorial and, after breaking my hand two weeks out last year, I was more excited than ever to reach the start line. Despite my tendency to get over excited and create massive expectations, in this case it didn’t matter – it was better than I could have imagined. Every track was an adventure to relish and a trail building feat to admire. Every uplift was a chance to meet or reunite with fellow riders and any time in between was filled with delicious food, a dip in the cold refreshing river and a chance to cheer on those you knew and those you didn’t. Simply put – it was epic all round – the trails, the vibe, the weather, the river, the people and, last but not least, the number of ripper women who gave it their all on the day!””
Jess Enlund. Photo Jason Beacham
“When I started my last run it was pure enjoyment the whole way down and I turned into a travelling smile! As soon as Alice, my partner in crime for the weekend and I both had finished we hit the river, there was a certain mental as well as physical sensory overload during this little ritual and we realised this is WHY we do it! All the nervousness, potential crashes and pain to follow are all worth it for this one feeling at the end! ”
“For the first few years I raced DME and got lost in the competition and stress of performing. Now choosing to volunteer, I get to chew the fat with many and catch up with all my old school cycling buddies in a MTB Disneyland. The best thing of all, is I get to see the manic grins on every riders face and know that this is due to the hard work of what Dodzy and co. created. ”
Amanda Pearce. Photo Jason Beacham
“Dodzy never really feels like a race, It’s more like a pilgrimage to the holy land of MTB tracks put there by the trail building gods.
The vibe is always so relaxed, its a chance to catch up with old friends you haven’t seen since ages ago and a chance to make new ones.
My highlights of the weekend was the amazing food, never ending trails & the ice cold swim at the end of the day, oh and 2nd place in Masters Women wasn’t to bad either! ”
“Wow what an epic weekend! This was my first DME and my preconceived notion what this was going to be…. was nothing like the fun encouraging, relaxed vibe with super lovely people that it was!!
The Wairoa Gorge is a pretty cool place with impressive steep valley walls covered in old beach forest and honeydew, bird song and lush swimming holes. It is cool just to be there. But to find what is there - there, is amazing! The trails are techy and busy with masses of detail. They are just so cleverly made with oodles of flow - the most exciting and fun trails that I have ever had the pleasure to ride!”